Camp Lazlo
Released: 2005
Animation, Comedy
The series is set in a universe inhabited solely by anthropomorphic animals of many species and focuses on a trio of campers attending a poorly run summer camp known as Camp Kidney. The trio consists of Lazlo, the eccentric, optimistic spider monkey; Raj, the timid Indian elephant; and Clam, the quiet albino pygmy rhinoceros, and their multiple surreal misadventures.
Starring: Carlos Alazraqui, Jeff Bennett, Mr. Lawrence, Tom Kenny, Steve Little
Created by: Joe Murray
Language: English
Season 4 Episode 3: Hold It Lazlo
This whole episode is about pee and desperation but one scene towards the end of the episode has Lazlo being tricked into wearing a diaper to look like an astronaut but Lazlo convinces everyone else to wear them. We see a scene were all of them are wearing diapers and everyone in the room pees themselves.
Alternate Titles
László tábor
El Campamento de Lazlo