Oliver Beene
Released: 2003
Oliver Beene is an American sitcom. Set in 1962 and 1963, the show chronicled the trials and tribulations of the 11-to-12-year-old Oliver Beene, in first person perspective. Oliver Beene's other main characters are his parents Jerry and Charlotte Beene, his brother Ted Beene, and his two friends Joyce and Michael. The narrator, an older Oliver reflecting on his experience, is voiced by David Cross. Often in episodes, the story is interrupted by flashbacks and flash-forwards.
Starring: Grant Rosenmeyer, Grant Shaud, Wendy Makkena, Andrew Lawrence, Daveigh Chase, David Cross, Taylor Emerson
Created by: Howard Gewirtz
Language: English
Season 2 Episode 2: Soup to Nuts
One character who is named "nickname" because he gives everyone else insulting nicknames gets heard in the bathroom pulling down rubber underwear in the bathroom and the titular Oliver Beene sees his feet and rubber underwear underneath the stall door. Later another character is seen pulling Nickname's trousers down to expose his protective underwear in front of the class