Alone Together
Released: 2015
Alone Together is a comedy featuring two young comics, Esther, a girl from the Midwest, and Benji, a brat from Beverly Hills, who find common ground in their troubled love lives and being generally intolerable. It's Ugly Betty meets Curb Your Enthusiasm.
Starring: Benji Aflalo, Fahim Anwar, Matthew Broussard, Esther Povitsky, Brody Stevens, Angela Trimbur, Rick Glassman, Claudia Cooper
Directed by: Jacob Pinger
Written by: Esther Povitsky, Benji Aflalo
Language: English
In episode 4 of season 1 Two characters are camping outside a store waiting for it to open and when the male character,Benji, says he should have worn his compression shorts the girl, Esther, offers him a diaper and tells him that she's been wearing a wet diaper all this time and asks hime to change her.