Sihirli Annem

Released: 2003

Kids, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Family, Comedy
Betus the fairy, meets human-being Sadik whose wife passed away, and falls in love with him. They try to build a happy family with Sadik's 2 sweet children but Betus's mother Dudu never let them to be happy.
Starring: İnci Türkay, Şahap Sayılgan, Nevra Serezli, Defne Joy Foster, Zeynep Özkaya, Gizem Güven, Buğra Özmüldür, Gül Onat
Created by: Gamze Özer
Language: Turkish
Season 2 Episode 4: Episode 4
Çilek’s older brother is going to have a date at the house, so he is getting ready for the date in the bathroom, meanwhile Çilek is really desperate to pee, she can’t wait any longer, so she has a plan, but her plan backfires, which causes her to pee her pants in front of her older brother, sister, babysitter and his older brothers date. Her older brother and his date start laughing at her, and She starts crying and Her older sister supportively hugs her.
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Alternate Titles
Материнская магия