American Dad!
Released: 2005
Animation, Comedy
The series focuses on an eccentric motley crew that is the Smith family and their three housemates: Father, husband, and breadwinner Stan Smith; his better half housewife, Francine Smith; their college-aged daughter, Hayley Smith; and their high-school-aged son, Steve Smith. Outside of the Smith family, there are three additional main characters, including Hayley's boyfriend turned husband, Jeff Fischer; the family's man-in-a-goldfish-body pet, Klaus; and most notably the family's zany alien, Roger, who is "full of masquerades, brazenness, and shocking antics."
Starring: Seth MacFarlane, Wendy Schaal, Rachael MacFarlane, Scott Grimes, Dee Bradley Baker
Created by: Seth MacFarlane, Mike Barker, Matt Weitzman
Language: English
Season 3 Episode 9: The Best Christmas Story Never Told
After returning from the past to a dystopian future Francine is heard giving a sigh of relief and the shown squatting behind a car saying, "I've had to pee since the '70s"
Season 20 Episode 10: Frantastic Voyage
Francine meets another woman in the bathroom who's she immediately bonds with, after being asked if she needed to pee she lifts up her skirt and reveals that she's wearing a diaper and the other woman responds by doing the same and then they both go cross eyed a d Francine even bends her knees a little
Screen Captures
Alternate Titles
بابای آمریکایی!
پدر آمریکایی!
!امریکی باپ
Added: 2024-02-03 15:49:16Edited: 2025-01-13 00:30:23