
Released: 1989

Comedy, Horror, Mystery
A Beverly Hills teen discovers his parents are part of a gruesome orgy cult for the social elite.
Starring: Billy Warlock, Connie Danese, Ben Slack, Evan Richards, Patrice Jennings, Tim Bartell, Charles Lucia, Heidi Kozak
Directed by: Brian Yuzna
Written by: Rick Fry, Woody Keith
Language: English
Clarissa (Devin DeVasquez) and Bill (Billy Warlock) have just had sex and she's making him tea. She asks him "How do you like your tea, cream, sugar, or would you like me to pee in it?" Bill doesn't answer the question but just responds "You're a class act Clarissa." It is not referenced again after that.
Alternate Titles
Haute société