Coop & Cami Ask The World

Released: 2018

Family, Comedy
A pair of middle-school siblings make nearly all of their decisions by crowdsourcing the opinions of their millions of online followers.
Starring: Olivia Sanabia, Rebecca Metz, Ruby Rose Turner, Dakota Lotus, Paxton Booth
Created by: Boyce Bugliari, Jamie McLaughlin
Language: English
Season 2 Episode 17: Would You Wrather Lose Your Bestie
Cami's best friend Delaware (Gabriella Graves) is walking around and shifting her legs in place and Cami asks her if the girls toilet is out of order again but Delaware tells her she's practicing power-walker. A bit later Delaware starts shuffling her legs again and Cami asks her if she's doing more walking practice, Delaware says that now she really does need to use the bathroom and frantically rushes off to relieve herself telling everyone to move and get out of the way.
Season 2 Episode 24: Would You Wrather Rip Your Pants?
One of the plots in this episode revolves around Cami (Ruby Rose Turner) being desperate to pee (due to having drank a bunch of lemonade earlier) in a restaurant and fighting with one of the employees-Noah for the bathroom key(due to both of them grabbing the key at the same time and each insisting the other one was first)and both of them trying various tactics to get the other one to let go of the key(I.E. making annoying sounds, eating food that gives them bad breath and breathing on one another)with Noah at one point pouring water into a glass to try and torture Cami, but Cami drinks the water in defiance (Noah also at one point suggests she just use the bathroom in the boat shop across the street but Cami stubbornly refuses to let him win). Finally Cami thinks she has the upper hand only for Noah to reveal he got the key and congratulates Cami on putting up a good fight and goes inside the bathroom. Cami's bladder then gets triggered by witnessing another man drinking a glass of water causing her to go "uh oh" and realizing she's about to burst, she frantically tries to run outside only to be blocked by some men moving boxes in the main entrance, she then grabs a cart and pushes it behind the counter(so she can get out the back exit and presumably use the bathroom at the boat rental place across the street that Noah mentioned earlier) crying out "out of my way". In a later scene one of the guys mentions to Cami how Noah "almost made her pee her pants".
Added: 2022-11-02 01:48:26Edited: 2022-11-12 15:41:17
Edited: 2024-03-03 22:54:22