
Released: 2015

Comedy, Animation
Aging superhero, Titanium Rex, and his has-been team known as The League of Freedom struggle to stay relevant in a changing world.
Starring: Bryan Cranston, Seth Green, Keegan-Michael Key, Jillian Bell, Tucker Gilmore, Tom Root, Zeb Wells, Chris Pine
Created by: Bryan Cranston, Matthew Senreich, Zeb Wells
Language: English
Season 3 Episode 21: World War Tree - Earth Day Special
Lex mentions she needs to pee while she and Titanium Rex in astral projection. Later, when they return to the physical plane, she has wet herself (and she has a visible wet stain).
Screen Captures

Alternate Titles
Super Mansion
Added: 2022-07-26 05:14:25Edited: 2023-03-11 13:23:03