Os Normais

Released: 2001

Os Normais is a Brazilian sitcom directed by José Alvarenga Jr. and written by Jorge Furtado, Alexandre Machado, and Fernanda Young. It aired from 2001 to 2003 on Rede Globo. It features a lot of nonsensical situations, unpredictable stories and wild, often explicit humour. The sitcom was adapted in 2003 into a film titled Os Normais, O Filme, which received the sequel Os Normais 2 - A Noite Mais Maluca de Todas in 2009.
Starring: Luiz Fernando Guimarães, Fernanda Torres, Diogo Vilela, Selton Mello, Graziella Moretto
Created by: Alexandre Machado, Fernanda Young
Language: Portuguese
Season 1 Episode 1: Todos São Normais
Bete (Drica Moraes) puts toilet paper over the toilet seat and hovers over it to pee.
Season 1 Episode 11: Fazer as Pazes é Normal
While on her way to someone's house with her husband Rui (Luiz Fernando Guimarães), Vani (Fernanda Torres) becomes very desperate to pee. Upon arrival she rushes off to the bathroom as soon as it is socially possible to do so, and then lets out an odd-sounding moan as she pisses loudly. The pissing is only shown for a few seconds, however. Afterwards, she accidentally knocks a shelf of expensive perfumes into the toilet.
Season 2 Episode 1: Tudo Normal Como Antes
Vani is shown sitting on the toilet peeing. She grabs toilet paper to wipe as she pulls up and fixes her dress and flushes the toilet
Season 2 Episode 9: Mais do Que Normal
Vani and Salma (Marisa Luisa Mendonca) go into a stall each to pee. Vani is shown clutching herself desperate as she enters the stall and pulls down her underwear to pee as both are then shown only with their feet underneath the stalls until they both are shown getting up and finishing and flushing the toilet
Season 2 Episode 15: É Nojento Mas é Normal
Vani is shown sitting on the toilet peeing. She then pulls her shorts up and flushes the toilet.
Season 2 Episode 22: Acordando Normalmente
Vani wakes up in the morning and goes to the bathroom and is shown sitting on the toilet. She sings and dances to herself
Season 2 Episode 22: Acordando Normalmente
Vani goes into a restroom with Selma (Silvia Pfeifer) as Vani goes into a stall and sits down to pee with the door open. She is shown pulling down her under wear and hiking up her dress and is shown wiping and flushing the toilet after fixing herself.
Season 2 Episode 22: Acordando Normalmente
Vani then waits outside a closed stall door for Selma who is heard peeing through the door as the toilet is heard flushing as she then exits the stall fixing her dress
Season 3 Episode 2: É Uma Questão de Química. Entende?
Vani desperately needs to pee as she runs around a school looking for the restroom. She then ends up in the principal’s office and after failing to get into his locked restroom, spots a bin as she squats and pees in it. She sighs and moans in relief and is shown clutching herself during the sequence.
Season 3 Episode 4: Casal Que Vive Brigando Não Tem Crise
Vani enters the bathroom and kicks Rui out so Maristela (Graziella Moretto) can go to the bathroom. She is shown desperate and is shown sitting down to pee as it then cuts away after Rui is kicked out
Season 3 Episode 4: Casal Que Vive Brigando Não Tem Crise
After cutting away the scene returns to the bathroom where Vani is now shown sitting on the toilet peeing as she wipes herself and pulls up her pants and flushes the toilet
Season 3 Episode 9: Sonhos de Uma Noite de Serão
Vani is shown sitting on the toilet peeing after waking up in the morning. She is shown wiping.
Season 3 Episode 16: Até Que Enfim Profundos
Vani and Rui decide to live like each other for awhile and thus forced to adopt each other’s bathroom habits as Rui goes into the bathroom and sits down to pee and uses toilet paper to wipe. He sighs in relief. Vani then comes in and using a rolled up newspaper, stands up to pee. She then shakes off any remaining droplets.
Season 3 Episode 16: Até Que Enfim Profundos
Vani now back to her old life style, sits down to pee again.
Season 3 Episode 17: Terminar é Normal
Vani goes into the bathroom and sits down to pee. She is shown wiping and flushing the toilet
Season 3 Episode 17: Terminar é Normal
Maristela is shown sitting on the toilet.
Screen Captures

Added: 2022-03-31 22:17:08Edited: 2022-04-12 03:11:01
Edited: 2024-11-23 07:10:44
Edited: 2025-01-08 16:54:00