Garth Marenghi's Darkplace

Released: 2004

Comedy, Mystery, Action & Adventure, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
When the Hellmouth opens beneath Darkplace Hospital in downtown Romford, kiddy doctor, Vietnam veteran and ex-warlock Dr. Rick Dagless M.D. (Garth Marenghi) is the only man who can close it. Joined by best buddy Dr. Lucien Sanchez (Todd Rivers), fiery hospital boss Thornton Reed (Dean Learner), and woman Liz Asher (Madeleine Wool), Dagless must fight the forces of Darkness while dealing with the burden of day-to-day admin. From the chilling pen of best-selling horror writer Garth Marenghi comes this lost masterpiece of televisual terror. Dare you enter Garth's Darkplace?
Starring: Matthew Holness, Richard Ayoade, Matt Berry, Alice Lowe
Created by: Richard Ayoade, Billy Brown, Matthew Holness
Language: English
Season 1 Episode 4: The Apes of Wrath
Something in the water supply is turning people into apes. Rick (Matthew Holness) finds that it is due to a half-ape/half-man peeing into water bottles, and he also sees it peeing onto another ape-person. Some of the stream is visible.
Screen Captures

Alternate Titles
Darkplace ((short title))
Обитель тьмы Гарта Маренги
"Темне місце" Ґарта Маренґі
"Темнемісце" Гарта Маренгі
«Темне місце» Ґарта Маренґі
«Темне місце» Гарта Маренгі
«Темнемісце» Ґарта Маренґі
«Темнемісце» Гарта Маренгі
"Темне місце" Гарта Маренгі