Day Night Day Night

Released: 2006

Drama, Thriller
A 19 year-old girl prepares to become a suicide bomber in Times Square. She speaks with a nondescript American accent, and it’s impossible to pinpoint her ethnicity. We never learn why she made her decision—she has made it already.
Starring: Luisa Williams, Josh Philip Weinstein, Gareth Saxe, Nyambi Nyambi, Frank Dattolo, Annemarie Lawless, Yoo Teo
Directed by: Julia Loktev
Written by: Julia Loktev
Language: English
A young woman (played by Luisa Williams) wets herself in nervousness as she prepares to detonate a bomb in a suicide attack on Times Square. She runs into a bathroom and wipes off her thighs and dabs her long underwear. Subsequently, a dark patch is seen on her crotch when she is photographed from a distance.
When she realizes the detonator did not work, she goes back into the bathroom to open her bag and check it. But first she has to wait while another woman (who is completely unseen) comes in and pees audibly for 8 to 10 seconds, wipes, and flushes.
Screen Captures

Added: 2022-02-25 04:12:38Edited: 2024-02-19 23:37:12