The Cement Garden

Released: 1993

After the death of her husband, the mother of Julie, Jack, Sue and Tom begins to suffer from a mysterious illness. Aware that she is going to have to go into hospital she opens a bank account for the children, so that they can be financially self-sufficient and will be able to avoid being taken into care by the authorities. Unfortunately she also dies and Julie and Jack (the older, teenage children) decide to hide her body in the basement so that they can have free reign of their household. Soon Tom has taken to dressing as a girl whilst Sue has become increasingly reticent, confiding only to her diary, meanwhile Jack and Julie sense an attraction developing for each other. However Julie's new beau, Derek, threatens to unearth the many dark secrets within this family as he becomes increasingly suspicious of Jack.
Starring: Andrew Robertson, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Alice Coulthard, Ned Birkin, Sinéad Cusack, Hanns Zischler, Jochen Horst, Gareth Brown
Directed by: Andrew Birkin
Written by: Andrew Birkin, Ian McEwan
Language: English
This film is about a teenage boy (Jack, played by Andrew Robertson) who has incestuous feelings for his older sister (Julie, played by Charlotte Gainsbourg). In one scene he tickles her on a bed until she pees her panties, getting his beekeeper outfit wet in the process. The sound of her peeing can be briefly heard, though at least one reader has the different point of view that she has actually had a wet orgasm from all the tickling.
Jack has a nightmare a few minutes later and pees his jeans while sleeping. You see him wash his clothes in a bathtub when he wakes up and his little sister says "I know that you wet your bed this morning."
Screen Captures

Alternate Titles
O Jardim de Cimento