Invisible Life

Released: 2019

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1950. In the conservative home of the Gusmão family, Eurídice and Guida are two inseparable sisters who support each other. While Guida can share with her younger sister the details of her romantic adventures, Eurídice finds in her older sister the encouragement she needs to pursue her dream of becoming a professional pianist.
Starring: Carol Duarte, Julia Stockler, Fernanda Montenegro, Gregório Duvivier, Bárbara Santos, Flávia Gusmão, António Fonseca, Maria Manoella
Directed by: Karim Aïnouz
Written by: Inés Bortagaray, Karim Aïnouz, Martha Batalha, Murilo Hauser
Language: Greek, Portuguese
Two women share a cigarette and take turns peeing at a wedding.
Alternate Titles
A Vida Invisível de Eurídice Gusmão (Working title)
Die Sehnsucht der Schwestern Gusmão
The Invisible Life
The Invisible Life of Eurídice Gusmão (World-wide English title)
Søstrene Gusmãos usynlige liv
La vida invisible de Eurídice Gusmão
Невидимая жизнь Эвридики
La vita invisibile di Eurídice Gusmão
La Vie invisible d'Eurídice Gusmão
Η αόρατη ζωή της Ευρυδίκης Γκουσμάο
Neredzamā dzīve
The Invisible Life of Euridice Gusmão