Bleeding Love

Released: 2024

In an effort to reunite with his daughter after a period of absence, a father takes her on a road trip to Santa Fe, New Mexico. Along the way they encounter some interesting characters and obstacles while sorting out their relationship.
Starring: Clara McGregor, Ewan McGregor, Kim Zimmer, Devyn McDowell, Sasha Alexander, Jake Weary, Vera Bulder, Travis Hammer
Directed by: Emma Westenberg
Written by: Vera Bulder, Clara McGregor, Ruby Caster
Language: English
This movie is about a father who takes his adult daughter on a road trip. In the opening scene of the movie, he pulls over and she squats and pees on the side of the road.
A while later she squats and pees while they are waiting for a tow truck. However she is hidden behind the vehicle but audio is heard and she is seen standing and pulling up her pants.
Later at night the father pulls over again so she can squat and pee, this time she is bitten by a snake.
Near the end of the movie, she is seen peeing on the side of the road again.
Screen Captures

Alternate Titles
You Sing Loud, I Sing Louder (Former title)
Added: 2025-01-25 14:09:39Edited: 2025-01-25 19:42:54