Released: 2025
Madoka Wakatsuki, a 26-year-old resident, strives to find happiness while navigating the challenges of being both a doctor and a woman in the medical field.
Starring: Kyoko Yoshine, Nobuyuki Suzuki, Hikaru Takahashi, Ryusei Onishi, Ryuta Sato, Tae Kimura, Eiji Okuda, Kaito Yoshimura
Created by: Yoichi Maekawa, Susumu Funahashi, Kana Matsui
Language: Japanese
Season 1 Episode 1: Episode 1
Madoka Wakatsuki (Kyoko Yoshine), a medical intern, felt cold and needed to use the restroom while observing a surgery. She took the opportunity to leave the operating room.
Alternate Titles
Madoka 26-sai, Kenshui Yattemasu!
Diary of a Surgical Resident: Madoka