Campo Grande
Released: 2015
A wealthy middle-aged woman unexpectedly finds herself caring for two impoverished young siblings, in this subtle, touching and sincere study of class disparity from Brazilian filmmaker Sandra Kogut.
Starring: Carla Ribas, Ygor Manoel, Rayane do Amaral, Julia Bernat, Márcio Vito, Mary Sheila, Dorothy Kogut, Noah Kogut Levin
Directed by: Sandra Kogut
Written by: Felipe Sholl, Sandra Kogut
Language: Portuguese
Rayane (Rayane do Amaral, 6) pees outside. (13:35)
Rayane (Rayane do Amaral) pees in a toilet. (19:42)
Added: 2024-12-16 05:21:22Edited: 2024-12-16 06:51:05