Released: 2018
This film follows four young girls into the vibrant, hedonistic subculture of Berlin. Janaina, 17, earns money by making Internet pornography. Her best friend, Emmy, 18, finds the whole city intoxicating, without realizing that she's getting deeper and deeper into a cycle of addiction. Joy muses about love when she doesn't happen to be selling drugs. And Abbie, 16, dreams of escaping to Los Angeles.
Starring: Janaina Liesenfeld, Emily Lau, Abbie Dutton, Joy Grant, Malik Blumenthal, Tyrell Otoo, Alexander Iskin, Henning Gronkowski
Directed by: Henning Gronkowski
Written by: Henning Gronkowski
Language: German, English
A woman stops to pee on a rooftop. She is shown pulling down her pants and squatting, releasing a visible gushing stream of urine. It appears real. Her friend tells her to write something with her piss and the pee puddle is shown
While walking with a friend a woman stops to pee in public. She squats in a corner and her urine stream is clearly visible. A cyclist rides by as she pees. Her friend keeps talking to her the entire time. She pees for about 30 seconds, it also appears authentic.
At a festival another woman goes to the port-a-potties, after opening one and finding it disgusting she is seen running off into the bushes. Nothing more is shown
Screen Captures
Added: 2024-04-27 18:21:25Edited: 2024-04-27 18:26:54