På fylla

Released: 2017

Starring: David Andreas Vekony
Created by: Øyvind Holtmon
Language: Norwegian
Season 1 Episode 8: Episode 8
Sandra (Ingrid Holmer) needs to pee and squats besides a car as she is about to leave a party. Audio is heard. Her crush sees her head and interrupts her not knowing that she is peeing. They kiss on the hood of the car and he believes that them making out made her squirt, but she has in fact peed her pants. She's embarrassed and an other drunk bloke who passes by, makes a remark about her pee pants, but her new boyfriend doesn't care.
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Added: 2023-12-18 11:34:18Edited: 2024-03-12 09:06:59
Edited: 2024-04-01 09:27:52