B.T.K. Killer

Released: 2005

Drama, Horror, Crime
Veteran Boogey Man and Zodiac Killer director Ulli Lommel continues his long tradition of delivering tense thrills with this relentless look at the life of the elusive, Kansas-based serial killer known to authorities only as "B.T.K." before his arrest...
Starring: Gerard Griesbaum, Eric Gerleman, Victoria Ullmann, Shyla Fernandes, Danielle Petty, Michael Barbour
Directed by: Ulli Lommel
Written by: Ulli Lommel
Language: English
At the start of the film, a young woman is handcuffed to a mattress by the depraved killer Dennis Rader (played by Gerard Griesbaum). She wets her panties in fear as he dangles a pig's head over her lap. The camera zooms in on her crotch as the pee gushes out of her panties and trickles down her leg. It is an extremely quick shot but looks realistic.
Screen Captures

Alternate Titles
BTK Killer
Jagd auf den BTK Killer
Added: 2022-02-24 15:52:10Edited: 2023-01-08 13:19:26