Extrait de naissance
Released: 1989
A house, we do not know if it is still inhabited, if we are witnessing a departure or a return. A man’s voice tells, names the objects, the places. Unbelievable childhood memories. A boy, alone, waits in the hall.
Starring: Laurence Clapier, Julia Petrucci, Olivia Petrucci, Pierre Mac Enzie Gallon
Directed by: Alain Jomier, Jean-Louis Le Tacon
Written by:
Language: French
A woman hovers out a window and pees, this is fairly explicit and the stream can be both seen and heard. (18:43)
A man pees into something out of frame (probably a bucket based on the next scene), a young boy watches through an open door. (17:28) In the next scene the boy empties a bucket of piss and shit out of a window.
Screen Captures
Added: 2023-05-25 19:45:26Edited: 2023-06-12 09:13:11
Verified: 2024-08-28 17:51:16