
Released: 1997

Action, Drama, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
A law student, who takes a job as a night watchman at a morgue, begins to discover clues that implicate him as the suspect of a series of murders.
Starring: Ewan McGregor, Patricia Arquette, Nick Nolte, Josh Brolin, Lauren Graham, Brad Dourif, Alix Koromzay, Lonny Chapman
Directed by: Ole Bornedal
Written by: Steven Soderbergh, Ole Bornedal
Language: English
James (Josh Brolin) asks a prostitute (Joyce, played by Alix Koromzay) what is the kinkiest thing a client has asked her to do. She starts to say, "Well, one guy makes me pee--," but he cuts her off because he wants to hear something kinkier than that.
Alternate Titles
O Principal Suspeito
Freeze - Albtraum Nachtwache (DVD)