The Hitcher

Released: 2007

Action, Horror, Crime, Thriller
While driving through the New Mexico Desert during a rainy night, the college students Jim Halsey and his girlfriend Grace Andrews give a ride to the hitchhiker John Ryder. While in their car, the stranger proves to be a psychopath threatening the young couple with a knife, but Jim succeeds to throw him out of the car on the road. On the next morning, the young couple sees John in another car.
Starring: Sean Bean, Sophia Bush, Zachary Knighton, Neal McDonough, Kyle Davis, Danny Bolero, Jeffrey Hutchinson, Skip O'Brien
Directed by: Dave Meyers
Written by: Eric Red, Jake Wade Wall
Language: English
After leaving on a road trip at the start of the film, Jim (Zachary Knighton) tells his girlfriend Grace (Sophia Bush) that he knows the look on her face: she has to pee. She denies it at first, but then admits that she does, knowing he will be annoyed because they just left. He stops the car and waits as she uses the bathroom at a restaurant (not shown).
Later, Grace goes off to pee again at a gas station where the couple stops, but nothing is shown.
Screen Captures

Alternate Titles
Carretera al infierno (The Hitcher)
Országúti ámokfutó
Carretera al Infierno
A Morte Pede Carona
A Morte Pede Carona