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16th March 2025Much like all websites, this site has costs associated with hosting a development. I am committed to keeping this site up for the long term regardless as I'm also a fan of the site. However making it sustainable for the even longer term will help it have an even longer life. But the last thing I want to do is plaster the site with ads. For one thing they don't generate that much revenue and the second is they would ruin the vibe of the site.
I know the vast majority of people can't commit to a Patreon subscription and that's absolutely fine. Instead I would like to see if there is any interest in people using my affiliate link for certain services. That way the site benefits and you also get something in return.
Get a 30 free trial and 1 free credit by signing up for Audible. Access thousands of audiobooks, audible originals and podcasts. To claim your trial click on the link for your country (sorry there's only three so far).