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The Pee Movie List

Site News & Announcements

Support the site and get a free audiobook!

16th March 2025

Much like all websites, this site has costs associated with hosting a development. I am committed to keeping this site up for the long term regardless as I'm also a fan of the site. However making it sustainable for the even longer term will help it have an even longer life. But the last thing I want to do is plaster the site with ads. For one thing they don't generate that much revenue and the second is they would ruin the vibe of the site.

I know the vast majority of people can't commit to a Patreon subscription and that's absolutely fine. Instead I would like to see if there is any interest in people using my affiliate link for certain services. That way the site benefits and you also get something in return.

Get a 30 free trial and 1 free credit by signing up for Audible. Access thousands of audiobooks, audible originals and podcasts. To claim your trial click on the link for your country (sorry there's only three so far).

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Alternative contacts: Discord and Twitter

26th February 2025

In case of emergencies I've been wanting to set up some alternative forms of contact for the Pee Movie List. Just in case there was a problem with the server or something along those lines. Obviously I can and would post on forums such as or PeeFans, but also one of the reasons this site even exists in the first place is because suddenly disappeared without a trace. We've also recently lost PeeSearch in a similar fashion. Nothing is quite as forever on the internet as you sometimes think. So to combat that I want to diversify the options for getting news out regarding the site.

First there is Twitter, which is not exactly the best place these days but what it is is the best social media for potentially NSFW content. You can follow @peemovielist which posts highlighted updates from the list and news updates. There's also my personal account @marcusx41 which I don't really post on but do use to browse. Both are checked regularly.

If Twitter isn't your thing (totally understandable lol) then I've also set up a Discord for the PML community. Chat with myself and other members, get notifications of these news posts, report any bugs or issues with the site, and probably more in the future. I'm keeping this semi-private to hopefully keep bots and spam away. The invite to join the Discord can be found on the homepage, contact page and the my account page, but only if you're logged in.

Finally another option is Patreon. News posts there are open to comments from everyone.

Year In Review 2024

31st January 2025

Thanks to all of you who voted for your favourite pee scenes from 2024! The votes have all been counted and now it's time to look at the results, along with some other stats related to the year. Did your favourite scene win? Find out here in the Pee Movie List Year In Review 2024

Best of 2024?

6th January 2025

Happy 2025! Hope everyone has a great year!

We've just had the season of end-of-year summaries and during that I realized that was something we could do here. I've already created the stats page which shows overall data, so creating something similar with data for just the year would be easy. To go with that I thought it would good to get the community involved and so I whipped up a little voting system for the site and you can now vote for the best scene of 2024.

To vote you will need an account and need to be logged in. Each account gets 3 votes. Browse the 2024 entries and on each of the details pages you'll see a button to vote for your fave scene of the year. (If you change your mind you can click again to cancel your vote). The site will take votes until the end of the month, after that I'll post the winners and the summary.

I've already got ideas for a more involved category based voting system. But I'll save that for next year for which there's more time to prepare. Go cast your votes!


24th September 2024

Ever since I started working on this site there has been one thing I've wanted to create, but it was always low priority. At the time I'm writing this we've got 5,340 media entries containing 8,037 scenes. The question is what are some other interesting things we can do with this data? We can probably learn some things. Have you ever wondered for example, if more men pee on things in comedies compared to women wetting themselves in horror? Well now we answer that with some graphs and charts. These can now be found on the new stats page. It turns out the men seem to pee on TV more while in movies it's women (though it's closer to 50/50). Probably unsurprising but we see far more male streams and more women sitting on the toilet. Also the peak for number of scenes seems to have been 2006 (but that might be due to recent data being more incomplete). As the database grows over time these graphs will automatically update to include the new data. You can toggle the display of certain data by clicking on the legend. Clicking on the graph data itself will take you to the related category to browse. If you have any ideas for other graphs to add then please do let me know.

An update on updates

10th September 2024

Those of you who visit this site regularly will have noticed that database updates over past year or so have been few and far between. To start with I'd like to apologise for that. It is still my intention to keep hosting this site for the long term, but hopefully you understand that sometimes life can get in the way.

With that out of the way lets talk about the future. My promise going forward is that there will be at least one update per week and if I'm going to be away for longer than a week then I'll post a news post about it here. That is presuming of course that there are any updates waiting in the queue. But I have been consistently surprised at how many entries are still submitted each week and doesn't show any sign of slowing yet. It just goes to show how incomplete the original database was. There's been nearly 2000 new entries since this version of the site first launched.

A common question has been "would you like help moderating the queue?". The answer to this in the long term is probably yes. But at the moment the back end systems aren't really ready for this. I put this site together rather quickly and the main focus was getting the user facing front end functional. The back end admin systems are the bare minimum. There are quirks and workarounds that only really work because I wrote the thing. It would never really make sense to anyone else. There are still regular edge cases which need a manual database edits because there isn't a system for editing it yet. But now I'm back on this site more frequently I can start to develop and improve these systems for the long term. If/when I do form a moderation team, it will be users with a history of good quality submissions/edits to the site who get asked first.

The backlog of new entries and edits is mostly clear now. There are still a handful waiting to be processed but these are special cases which require extra attention. Particularly when it comes to edits they often end up with conflicting information and the only way to be sure is to source and watch the media myself to verify, which takes time. Some times in the past in my rush to clear a backlog I've let some less than accurate entries in and I'm trying to avoid that. If you ever submit something which doesn't appear then it's probably been flagged for additional verification.

Finally, there's the contact form. If you've tried to get in touch recently then unfortunately the message is probably lost in a sea of spam. Coming up with a new option to deal with that is high on the list of things to fix soon. I also have to admit I've been avoiding the message boards a bit knowing there there will be a bunch of messages asking why the site hadn't been updated, but you'll probably see me back there again soon.

Thanks for understanding, now let's look forward to the future.

Technical Hiccups

17th November 2023

If you've had a problem logging in to the site in the last month or so I'm sorry about that! This was caused by the regular backup of all the images on the site completely filling up the drive. This has been changed to an incremental system now and so shouldn't be a problem again.

Account Deletion

23rd November 2022

It's something which has been asked of me a couple of times but actually implementing a system for has always ended up being put on the back burner. But no more, if you want to delete your account here and have your data removed from the system you can do that now. Simply click the link in the Account section and confirm that you are sure and then you will be logged out and your details will be removed.

Anything you've submitted to the site will remain intact, it will just no longer be associated with an account. Your username, email and password are the only personal details stored, these will be removed.


15th November 2022

A user recently asked if it would be possible to browse though entries on the site at random. I thought that was an interesting idea which I had not considered. Today I've added that feature.

At the top right of every view page is a ? clicking that will take you to a random entry in the database, matching your current global filters.

Finding What's New

14th November 2022

As you will likely have seen, on the main browse page the five most recent new entries and the five most recent edits are displayed. It was recently pointed out by a user that unless you visit the site every day then it would be easy to miss new additions to the site. If there have been more than five updates in a single day it would be impossible. They asked if it would be possible to see more of the recent additions.

I have now added that option to the site. On the main browse page below each section is a link to view more of the recent new or edited entries. This page will show you all of the new or edited entries from the previous thirty days. If you want to go back further than that then each of the results pages with sorting options now have the option to sort by the date they were added to the system. (For technical reasons you can't do that for edits... yet) The sorting option only allows for newest first sorting. The reverse option wouldn't be particularly useful as all the data imported from the original list has the same added date from Feb 2022 when this version of the site was launched.
